Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Musings of a Dumb Ass

When the end of life truly does come into sight and there is a definitive time beyond which you know there is no life left for you, how do you reconcile life and how was it? Life is an adventure and a tragedy simultaneously. What you thought might be important or necessary at the time may prove to have not been so and ergo, created an unwanted direction in your life that opened other things in your journey so grand and wonderful that you forgot what was so important, only to be revisited by it at some other time in the future when the lights dim and adventure has moved on.
Those who manage and plan their lives so totally controlled and scripted may wonder at the end if chaos wouldn't have created a more rewarding trip.
Those who just drifted along and took the easy way with no confrontations may feel unfulfilled and cheated at the end.
Some chase security from the first day at work and prepare for a comfortable retirement from day one then find that so much life was wasted accumulating things that not nearly enough time is left to live out what you earned.
Some cling to family and old roots then one day realize that it cost you the world, while another might give up family and roots for the world only to wonder at the end if they didn't miss what life really was about.
We spend our time with partners who we love but wonder how life would have been another direction, all the while expecting devotion and total commitment until we choose to start anew on our own whim and schedule, but are shocked and devastated if we're faced with desertion and abandonment by surprise.
Life is a Goddam crapshoot, and just like the game, sooner or later we all lose, but life is sweet to the end...............

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Musings of A Dumb Ass

What an interesting time to be alive and see things you always said would happen start coming into view. Our economy truly is in the tank and the only way for it to keep on staggering along is to print more money which of course will feed the inflation that will in the end collapse it.
There's lots of causes that are interesting to consider that are a part of our trek to our destiny. Our welfare state is the biggest one, and we are into the fourth generation of a shameless culture that is parked at the feeding trough merrily waiting on the next meal.
My Fathers generation was the first to be subserviant to big brother and what he could get for little or nothing. Then came my generation who are masters at it and we taught my childrens generation to be taken care of by the government, as they are teaching my grandchildren.
If there were no examples of what this behaviour begets, it wouldn't be quite as tragic, but we know better, and do it anyway knowing deep down there's no way out.
We're destined for some absolutes. Our miserable economy can't stand as it is and there's no way our lazy assed populace is going to stand for their gimme's to be taken away. Then sadly, even if we magically realized as citizens and as a culture what we've done to ourselves and each individual suddenly became totally independant and self supporting we still can't survive as the giant we've come to believe we are. We will suffer the consequences that so many others have that tried to run more world than made sense. The French, The Germans, The English, The Japs, The Spaniards, The Romans, The Russians..... They all are examples of what happens when you extend farther than you can afford or control. They're all still around, and so will we be after the inevitable happens, we just won't have such a loud voice. Forget my Grandfathers fear of an opposing army invading our great land. We've given it away without a fight. We're just to damned dumb to realize it..............