Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.... There's an 'oddness' about the more fortunate in a crowd..... and the same oddness prevails with bullies and children that are spoiled. The fortunate never quite understand the unfortunate, bullies want to run everything, and spoiled children are unhappy if they aren't satisfied about everything.
And there's a strangeness about responsibility and truthfulness and honesty.
So what's that got to do with me? How does that affect me if I have nothing to do with anybody and just get up and live everyday?
Everything about your country is important to you. And if that were not a world wide standard, then you would be just as well to do or have the opportunity to be so as the human in the Sudan, Afghanistan, or anywhere else on this globe we all reside on, but ya know what? We're NOT all the same. And those at the top should have the honesty and decency to apply truth to the reason for whatever we do.
All of the things we've done from the invasion to date in Iraq has been beat to death, and we are and were wrong. What is interesting is the way we see responsibility now. We say that we gave Iraq a free and Democratic government and they now must step up and defend themselves and be responsible for their country.
Does anybody have even the remotest idea about the Iraqi in the street and how they might view it? From our standpoint, they don't have enough brains to have an opinion, so perhaps that's a bad idea. Let 'em crawl over the rubble we piled up and carry the water they used to get out of a tap, and contemplate survival best they can, and dodge bullets on the way to work.... if they have a job. We helped 'em.... they're just too dumb to see it.
Now we're upset because Iran is furnishing arms to the Iraqi's that would bear arms against us, which is most of them. But we have no memory of providing arms, aid or anything else Saddam Hussein wanted when he warred against Iran. We have allowed ourselves to sink to such depths that we have arrived to the famous 'damned if you do, and damned if you don't scenario'.
If you are against this conflict, it is popular to suggest that some how 'you don't support the troops'. This is the most disgusting and shallow remark that is used to establish position I've ever heard. To imply that more need to die to honor those who have already died is the most hillbillyish state of mind that could possibly exist and I am offended by such a statement, whether directed at me or not.
We have followed such stupidity that I don't know if there is a road that can be taken that will lead us to peace or not, I have my doubts. But there is never a bad time to call a spade a spade. We need leadership. And not just in the Whitehouse. We have never been more famished for sensibilities in all branches of government than now..... I really wish I could feel that it will get better..... but I don't. Because truth and responsibility is unreachable for the leaders AND the led......

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Musings of a Dumb Ass

There just is no comfortable place in a thought or conversation about Iraq. Such colossal stupidity and bad judgement was used on the entry that we can never have a full recovery over it and if we survive as a society (and we might not) we will always have that lingering feeling of wrongness about it. But.... on the other hand..... it's possible to take wrongness and turn it in your favor. The Japs done it about ww2, the Germans claimed they didn't realise it was happening, present day Israel claims they have the right, and we were protecting our shores by attacking Iraq. Maybe I just worry too much............

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.....We will go down in history as the only successful society to simply give it away until we are no more the powerhouse we once were. Nobody took it from us, we just gave it away. One after another we have been beset with leaders who want to go into history as the worlds saviour. Staying the course and preserving our own following liberals in conservative dress who told us the answer was in free trade and globalization will prove to be our downfall. The payoff for that is idle factories and stores full of everything from somewhere else and little from here. Toyota and Honda are king of our roadways, Chinas' merchandise sits on 80% of our retail shelves and our clothes are made in third world sweatshops. Those of us who do not recieve a government check of some kind are almost in total employed serving each other. Every administration since John Kennedys' has signed on to this madness and expanding on it. We show little sign of changing direction, so destination is a certainty. 'When' is the question.............