Monday, November 16, 2009

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Such a great society that we've become......
Never in my wildest dreams as a young man did I think it was possible for such a Utopian approach to living. This great country of ours is the one place in the world that we can choose to work OR not and still reside in a land of plenty and comfort, and be fully respected and supported by all others.
We some how have arrived to the concept that life is all about doing nothing to support yourself as soon as possible, which is very quickly, if you like. Those who used to go to work facing toil and boredom can now simply wait on the mail to run or better yet, just wait until the correct monthly calender date an PRESTO.....!!!!, the money appears in your bank account like magic. Generally, all they had to do was declare they were disabled and unable to go to work any more, get a lawyer, then spend the rest of your life collecting at the feeding trough.
While it is true, there are some who truly cannot support themselves, the numbers are very small.
Most of the ones I know at the service of the mailboxes are just generally lazy asses who simply do not want to work. The workplace isn't exciting for most that show up everyday and those who are in charge are usually inept and arrogant to those under them..... all in all not a very desirable way to spend your life. So, why not get on the gravy train?
For those who e-mail me about things I write, in advance, let me say to you, don't bother to lecture me about disability, because it won't mean a thing to me.
I honestly do believe that we should take care of those who can't take care of themselves, but that probably doesn't include you. My idea of someone who should be taken care of are those who will spend their lives confined to a bed or wheelchair, or at the very best, to the confines of their homes. The rest of you should have a job. If you can no longer do what you were doing, then find another line of work. You'll feel better about yourself, and everyone else will like you better too.
That rant has nothing to do with all the others on the dole in other ways, of which the numbers are staggering, as in all those in college or further education on government money that will ride the donkey till it drops then get a job at Wal-Mart.
That rant also has nothing to do with those on food stamps, energy assistance, childcare subsidy, transportation services, in home care, and those drawing extended unemployment simply because you don't want to work for less than you made when you were laid off, even though that kind of employment is available.
As near as I can research, out of our more than 300 million inhabitants, there are about 80 million who go to work each day. Not a good recipe for our society's longevity.
Ahhhh Rome.......... You were so great while you lasted....... too bad we can't see ourselves in you.......


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