Saturday, October 03, 2009

Musings of a Dumb Ass

The uncontrolled spiral of my country into nothingness continues on unchecked. Nothing in this world I live in makes sense to me anymore. We are a people so completely out of touch with reality we no longer have the ability to recognise right from wrong or good from bad.
It's bad enough to just not be smart enough to understand, but when truth gets trampled so thoroughly that it's bastardized in casual conversation by people who are smart enough to avoid slamming the car door on their fingers, then there is no hope.
We have, and are continuing to buy into the decimation of our own existence with such furor that we surely can't stand as a nation much longer.
The lies are what drives me crazy: That Social Security is what you've paid for; That Medi-care is a good deal for all; That any government 'gimme' belongs to all who want it; That the government can and should be everything to everybody...... and the list could go on for a very long time.
Oppressive governments do not decree unhappiness for everyone. In fact ANY country with a socialist or communist government that has running water, electricity, roads and food abound with those satisfied to just keep on as it is. Maybe we should stay out of others business. We're the only ones who worry that they don't do as we say and therefore need to be 'freed', and we prove the importance of that attitude regularly as we parade around the globe making fools of ourselves, never worrying about the 10,000 babies who will die tonite from dysentary and diahharia, instead intent on overthrowing governments who do not behave as we want.
Today the unemployment figures say that somewhere between 9 1/2 to 17 1/2 percent of Americans are out of work nationally. So how could there be such a wide gap in numbers? It's all how you look at it........
Let's pick up the check at the mailbox, drive the Toyota down to Wal-Mart and buy all that merchandise on their shelves made in Communist China, and marvel at how great things are.................


Blogger Unknown said...

Amen!! Guess that's an appropriate thing to say in spite of other conversations!!

1:31 PM  

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