Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Musings of a Dumb Ass

The world became a place for me to pay attention to in about 1957. That was when I really discovered women, cars, clothes and music.
Girls didn't have tattoos and cuss, and not many 'put out'. If they did, we mostly didn't talk about it. There was no such thing as abortion or the pill. If you had a date, most of us knocked on the door when we picked her up, and generally had her home by midnight at the extreme latest.
Cars were a statement about who you were. There was no such thing as a foreign made car in my little town in 1957. The first one I seen around town was in 1958 and none of us would have been caught dead in a Volkswagen, no one had ever heard of a Honda, Toyota, or Kia or anything else not from here . Everything was American made, and we loved it.
Clothes were all american made including our shoes.
Music was also American made and the wildest thing I heard was Little Richard.
All in all, America was a pleasant and respectable place to live anywhere in the country, and you were safe anywhere.
Just 52 short years later, we are now in a world community where foreign goods have just about completely taken over our country. We have been told that true capitalism works best when we trade with other countries and that may be so, but while we eagerly bought the cars made somewhere else, we slowly crippled then killed our own great automobile makers, filled our shelves with everything made from foreign soil, (the only thing I can find made in America at WalMart is Mason fruit jars) and now our farmers are threatened with the same dilemna as the manufacturing sector as food processed and grown somewhere else flood our markets.
Not many work at the 'factory' anymore simply because there are no more factories to work at. Instead we are by far the greater percentage working for the Government ( that means anything subsidised by government money as well as directly employed by the government. Our good paying manufacturing jobs have been replaced with lower paying jobs in the retail market or servicing each other in health care, child care, home care or a myriad of other government funded entities.
We've been taught to take welfare, we call it many things, but if you are not presently working for it, then it's welfare. Simple and brutal, but true.
Our government and legislators are out of touch with it's people, and have taken on a life of it's own spiraling out of control.
Health care will finish burying us, because everyone is out to lunch on the issues, legislature, and populace, and global warming just adds insult to injury. Doesn't anyone realize there was once an ice age that went its way, and we've been warming ever since. To truly believe we are powerful enough as inhabitants on this globe to create or even enhance our climates is just another act of complete and total idiocy. We've managed to destroy ourselves quicker than any other leading civilization in history. Such a tragic way to leave the stage........


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