Musings of a Dumb Ass
Musings of a Dumb Ass.....We will go down in history as the only successful society to simply give it away until we are no more the powerhouse we once were. Nobody took it from us, we just gave it away. One after another we have been beset with leaders who want to go into history as the worlds saviour. Staying the course and preserving our own following liberals in conservative dress who told us the answer was in free trade and globalization will prove to be our downfall. The payoff for that is idle factories and stores full of everything from somewhere else and little from here. Toyota and Honda are king of our roadways, Chinas' merchandise sits on 80% of our retail shelves and our clothes are made in third world sweatshops. Those of us who do not recieve a government check of some kind are almost in total employed serving each other. Every administration since John Kennedys' has signed on to this madness and expanding on it. We show little sign of changing direction, so destination is a certainty. 'When' is the question.............
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