Musings of a Dumb Ass
In listening to my circle of friends and neighbors I'm reminded of the singularity of our thinking that continues on to our national direction. It's about 'me' with little regard to anyone or anything else on the planet. That might seem a bit radical, but I suppose age has made me that way.
Just last night I was with friends around a table that brought about great conversation and a lot of laughter.
They were concerned about the economy but were vague about what created the problem though almost without exception each recieved a government check every month. They were jealous of the countries that simply gave health care away to their citizens while they had to pay for their Medi-care (average cost $96. pr. month).
They displayed absolutely no understanding of different cultures and seemed to believe we had a place everywhere in the world we're currently occupying and a mandate to do whatever we do including 'nuking whoever the offender's are. They displayed no understanding of who done what and clung to the idea that them Moslems were sworn to kill us. I didn't hear any conversation about any other cultures or religions that have or would like to try to decimate us, of which they are many, including many Christians world wide, and also many Israeli's, to whom we give unlimited protection and huge amount's of money to all the while they shoot the Palestinians peering from behind the fences at the homes they once lived in that are now inhabited by the ones we protect. They were oblivious of the tragedy of the deaths of children killed by our presence around the world, and never mentioned the agony of the families of the innocents who die daily because of our operations on their soil, nor whether we should even be there or not.
They were also concerned that our Government has turned against God even though God is still in our Pledge of Allegiance and on our money. It's just that no mention of Jesus is made nor allowed in or on any Governmental property or business. No one seemed to recognize that those of a faith other than Christianity are entitled to their beliefs and the protection thereof also. That's what made this country great in the beginning, a simple separation of state and the church.
They are dedicated almost to the end to produce a Cleric Government run by the church although historically the Christians have killed, raped and pillaged the same as the rest of the world, if not more.
That is really scary to me........ we're strange