Musings of a Dumb Ass
I don't put my thoughts here much any more, mostly because I don't think my thoughts matter much any more. Those who think they have cures and answers for our future are nothing short of completely ignorant. I believe I always knew how it would end for our country but somehow never thought it would actually happen. I've come to believe our demise as a free and independant people in a free and independant country is at hand.
It is so hard for me to watch what we've become all the while being a part of what we were and remembering how it was in this great and wonderful country.
I will cherish to the grave the freedoms of choice I had as a child and young man, gone now forever and replaced with a killing strangulation of confusing and useless laws and constant monitoring of life by the unseen eyes of government and neighbors..... yes, that's correct, neighbors. We have all become pawns and robots for a society that has little logic and routinely turn our neighbors in to the authorities for everything imaginable including a dirty house, and amazingly, the authorities which generally include some of your neighbors are very quick to enter into your life to retrain you in the correct ways and behaviour to make you a good citizen.
We deserve to lose all. We have no right to continue as a world leader when we are unable to lead ourselves.
We've traded our dignity and backbone for a myriad of entitlements from big brother which result in actual checks and/or government services for most Americans no matter what age or social status, and made us feel it is ok to accept it.
We've also allowed most all of the real jobs to go somewhere else and the remainder of jobs left is generally those that service us, unfortunately, with a goverment subsidy to fund them.
There is no way for this beauty contest to continue. We're ALL ugly.
I used to think I'd never live to see the real collapse..... Now I'm pretty certain I'm going to have a ringside seat.
What a mess