Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Musings of a Dumb Ass

We have this strange way of complicating things so much that it seems the average brain just can't sort through the situation and have an understanding of it. So it goes with our current financial armageddon.
The ones who hold power and dominion over you don't want you to realize the simplicity of things so they cloak it with mystery and would suggest only a few can correct it. In the real world we live in we should understand our problems came to us in a very simple way. There was nothing complicated about it and the arrival of chaos should have been expected by all of us. So why wasn't it?
The answer would be because we are a complacent people who will simply be led into the furnace as long as we're comfortable on the way. And we are comfortable because we have everything easily and at our fingertips that it takes to live in comfort and ease. Most feel they slave away and magically arrive at a secure place in life that allows them to die in comfort, as they've lived.
If I hadn't had the priviledge to see most of the world outside the U.S. of A. I would probably see it much the same way, but since I did see it, I can safely say, our citizens don't have the first clue about misery, poverty, oppression,and survival. While I certainly respect and admire ambition and the fruits of labor, I also know that most of the souls on this planet work much harder for much less than we do, and have little hope for tomorrow, when compared to our expectations and aspirations.
So does this mean I don't think we deserve all we've had? On the contrary. I think we should have had more, because there was much more to be had, and it was ours. We just gave it away. We allow thieves and scalawags to run us and hope they'll give us a bit more of what they're taking from us, and we seldom whimper.
Now The President and Congress has handed out bailout monies in the Trillions (yes, that's plural) to those who mismanaged and stole in gigantic proportion, and nothing has changed. The same ones are still doing the same things, and little to none of the funds are finding its way to the market place, and there seems to be fear to really change anything, just keep everybody and everything in place and don't rock the boat even though it has a huge hole in it and is sinking.
A very high percentage of CEO's are salaried far beyond a half million and many are several million a year. In this crises little has changed for them, but for the workaday guy, if they still have a job, will recieve about $13. bucks a week extra on their paycheck. This is after a payraise of thousands a year to Congress, and not so much as a slap on the hand for the ones who are making/stealing millions a year with their hands out for more.... much more.
Our health care system is sucking our lifeblood out, and we're mostly silent about that too. Our Government's answer to healthcare is to require everyone to have health insurance, which is very good for the insurance companies, and those who work in health care. Doctors complain about what they are paid along with everyone else in the chain all the while most they are serving can't afford a dinner in a five star restaurant. It seems odd that no one would ever question how much you are charged for medical care. Most think as long as they don't have to write a check for the services, it isn't important, and the rape continues.
There are a host of other things in our country that are eating away at our survival, but we are satisfied to do nothing about those either. The trip down is slow and painful. By the time Mr. & Ms. average understand the inevitable it will be far too late, and we will be changed forever more............


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