Sunday, December 21, 2008

Musings of a Dumb Ass

The most miserable time of the year for me will soon be past. Those who are religious show the same narrowmindness to those who are troubled with 'the season' that they dish out to those who have a problem with religion in general, which is a total lack of understanding and no desire to consider anyone else on their part. Those who appreciate the time minus God are of the same genre.
I really don't think most who dread this time of year feel their dispair over anything about religion, instead it is a time of even more hypocracy and class warfare and has little to do with love for your neighbor, unless of course you're messing with someone else's spouse or just screwing over everybody and everything possible.
The season might have been different for me if I'd had even one happy Christmas as a child. Somehow or other each holiday time presented me with either poverty beyond or family squabble and separation or all of the above. The absence or presence of religion or God never seemed to change anything, so it's not about that.
As an adult I've had a few that were somewhat on the pleasant side but mostly it's a bit like a woman who hates sex but does 'it' because that's the way it is and even fakes an orgasm now and then to keep the peace.
The year doesn't really come alive and start happening for me until about March. I'll do my best to survive until then.........


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