Friday, January 16, 2009

Musings of A Dumb Ass

Are all things in our world and universe meant to be? Are all things good and bad planned?A dedication to and the concept of God would suggest so. If this be true, it is a frightening and brutal power excersized with no consideration to right and wrong. Just yesterday, a stones throw away from me, two little girls ages three and five burned up in their home while screaming for their Mother who was helpless and impotent just outside the inferno.
I have an unorthodox and bad opinion of God. I guess I've always looked at the world different than most, and I can't help it. It just seems to me that to create a world where all living things exist at the expense and sacrifice of something else living, at best suggests a warped kind of thinking and leaves no room for anything that resembles love. Dying is painful. I'll probably be better tomorrow......... if there is a tomorrow.


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