Monday, January 12, 2009

Musings of a Dumb Ass

So, what is it about people that stirs up hatred so much that they fight on even in the face of certain defeat even to death with strangers they've never seen before? I've always believed all situations in life have absolute answers. But I also think in many cases death may occur without answers realized.
The human condition has equipped us to be very complicated yet incredibly simple. We can go lifetimes inventing reasons to explain away everything without ever exploring the obvious and usually never admitting to the real truth. We like to figure out a way to belittle those in disagreement with us and paint them in ways that sidestep reality, whether the issue is personal or local or global. As long as we can blame it on something else we don't have to ever set things straight and be honest...... like the mess Israel has going on with the Gaza Strip again.
In The U.S. of A. if you question anything Israel does you are a hate monger or at least anti-semetic. Logic or reality has no place at the table where these assholes are concerned. But surely, sooner or later one must consider why do the Palestinians hate these people ( Israeli Jews) so much they would continue on fighting such a hopeless struggle against such hopeless odds?
We explained away terrorism that took down the towers as done by those who hate freedom. Now c'mon, let's get real and quit being stupid. Freedom had nothing to do with that attack. Our response was directed using the same limp thinking as was used on our journey that brought us to that disaster.
Israel's problems are dealt with on that same mental level.
As long as the Palestinians can look through the fences at the homes and lands that was theirs for thousands of years only to be taken away because powers oceans away said that was the way it would be, there will be hatred and conflict. As long as a Palestinian's survival is hinged on the whims of a brutal landlord such as Israel is there will be conflict. As long as a Palestinians supply of food and water is controlled by the likes of Israel there will be conflict. As long as jobs and physical movement is controlled by Israel, there will be conflict. As long as we say Israel has the right to defend itself against those who now are displaced by them, the oppressed will hate and fight. As long as we supply the money and arms for Israel to act as they do we can expect terrorism in our streets.
We've lied and been lied to for so long we've lost the truth and have no objectivity in the matter. As a Christian Nation we can write it off as the way The Bible says it has to be, but the Palestinians and about 80% of the world doesn't see it that way. Oddly enough, neither do the Jews. They think Christ was a crock and the real Messiah has never shown up, but is still coming. The first five books of the Old Testament makes up the Jewish Bible we know as the Talmud. It is very explicit in that is says plainly that no one but A Jew can go to heaven. The New Testament was written by outlawed and misplaced Jews and Gentiles for all of us who aren't Jewish. That makes us even stranger. Or maybe complicated, or possibly, very simple. Or at least simple minded. This mess will never be settled as long as we have the power. The simple solution is for our power to be crippled or taken away. That's where terrorism comes in. No ballyhoo, just fact. And we don't get along with facts very well. A true blessing would be for us to wake up, look around, and Think...................


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