Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Musings of A Dumb Ass

Today is an historical day for this country and a perfect time for dummies like me to say what they think is going to happen.
It's a time of great hope after a ride with what must be the worst president this country's ever seen, and one that I voted for...... once. We're in a time that political party means absolutely zilch to everyone except the ignorant because in reality they're both about alike. We shouldn't forget that it took both parties to bring us to our present predicament, but we will and do forget.... very quickly.
I think it's possible we might have a resurgence of what seems to be recovery simply because we still have enough assets and power to over extend ourselves even more, and if possible, will. But the problem is, the new President has no formula to right a dreadful situation in a meaningful way. His answer in the end is to print more money and spend our way out, which is self destructive.
It take's balls that haven't been grown yet to deal with our dilemna, and there's no sign of anyone possessing these, because to do that, the word NO has to be used to just about everybody. That means everyone who gets a government check in any form, and those who derive their income from any government funded entity, which is just about everybody. Since we still vote for those who give us all, there is no chance we'll be denied. Instead we'll just die a slow, painful, and embarrassing death as a nation.
From my treebranch, this is what we'll likely see starting in the coming year then getting worse. A stagnant economy with increased unemployment and Inflation, Inflation, and Hyper-inflation giving us $5.00 gasoline within two years, maybe within the first year. Whatever assets those who are retired think they have will dwindle and perhaps disappear completely, and those in power will be impotent in changing it.
It's just a nasty damn prospect. So what am I going to do about it? Nothing. Because there just isn't much I CAN do about it. Instead, I'm going to try to appreciate each day I'm given and march on to the ovens with everybody else but do so in a jovial manner, and of course, look good doing it.............


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