Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass......The riches of this wonderful country are almost immeasurable to those who are of the mindset to recieve it needed or not. Our resources have been such that to be on the dole is an acceptable way of life and the benefactors of the treasury's deep pockets include the rich and well to do as well as the poor. In between those two segments of population everybody else can be found. People recieving government cash and services are so huge that no one actually knows how many there really are. Beyond that are those who have inherited 'old money' and estates that will provide a way of life that does not include respectable stress. I actually couldn't find a solid figure of how many people do not have to work, or recieve aid in conjunction with whatever job they might do, but I think in all fairness and sensibility the number will probably exceed more than 3/4 ths. of our entire population. Ridiculous you say?? Think again. A government check in the raw will include those made to a specific individual and includes those recieving social security. So, you say you invested in that and earned the right to recieve what you were promised. Perhaps you were promised, but to have the right to take away coming generations dreams somehow is selfish and impotent. All those other categories of checks are so many and uncountable, a real figure isn't to be had by anyone and includes farmers, ranchers, land owners and business people, and disabilities, assisted child care, foodstamps, foster children and adopted assistance and whatever else is out there, and then comes the ones who have inherited their way. Inheritance is something that all Americans believe is the right of all to pass on to their children and next of kin, and I have to share that truth. But there is a social problem that comes to those who have nothing to do except wait for the mail to run to support their existance. They seldom broaden themselves in any way other than physical and with all that free time fall prey to the medical community and become helpless to face life without the company of those who will go along with their hypochondria, and if their problems really are real their lives are ruined by the overzealous ones who deal with human illness while making themselves rich at the expense of quality of life for their victims. Then those who have inherited their way usually imagine they're intelligent far beyond their ability and mostly what they improve on is imagination. The one thing all of the above share in common is the ability to totally disregard the schedules and responsibilities of those who actually do get off their dead asses and on to their dying feet and get out there and earn a living minus handouts of any kind. Maybe I'm just having a bad day, Or possibly I AM a prick like those lined up for the mailman say I am.......... Sigh... I'm sick today and don't have time nor funds to accomodate my queasyness, and need to be out there humping.... Oh well............


Blogger Derchoadus said...

Great writing, keep it up. It gives us out here lots to think about.

Hope you get well soon...

6:44 PM  
Blogger Bo said...

Hey derchoadus!!.... Thanks for the posts...... You've touched on what we should all be doing.... THINKING!!!!!! I have recovered and I'm ready to get out among 'em again............

8:29 PM  

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