Sunday, May 14, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.....The census bureau says that in 2006 there is an estimated 51 million people claiming a disability severe enough to prevent them from living a normal life at home and in the workplace. While all these people are not drawing a full blown disability check ( about 7 million are) most are drawing an entitlement of some kind and odds are most have either applied for the full Willy or will do so at some point in their life. According to the census bureau's current figures, 1 in 6 Americans have a disability. To those who treasure the art of thinking this is mind boggling. Is this really true? Can it Be true? If so, this makes us the only society on earth with these kinds of statistical numbers of those unable to function as a normal human being, and we need to figure what caused it and how can we prevent such huge numbers unable to participate in life as the rest of us do. I see no indication of such a program anywhere on the horizon. We have become self destructive as a nation and believe there is no end to what we're entitled to....... or is it simply that socialism has led us to where there is respectability in welfare? This brings up an interesting point. What is welfare? In my world, it is anything you are given from the treasury of the United States or its people that YOU didn't earn. The right to recieve is far removed from the act of earning. In looking for data on welfare in the United States I was surprised that simple availability of numbers aren't so easy to find, and specific programs are even harder to find. The list of entitlements in entirety was elusive for me and are not available in a way that the average Dumb Ass can decipher. Here are some of the general entitlements funded out of the taxpayers pockets we are given to consider. Retirement, health care, medicine, housing, utilities, child care, food, transportation, education......... isn't that life in it's full measure? All for the asking or manipulation. If my readers are offended and believe I'm simply an asshole who wants no one to survive, I would suggest a visit to your local school to have a look at the free breakfast and lunch program and check the numbers. The day care centers are another place to get an idea where we are in subsidies, on an average, more than half the children in day cares in my area are subsidized for the day care fee. The doctors offices and the hospitals are crammed beyond capacity by those who are there on the welfare dollar, but strangely enough, the parking lots of those facilities are either empty or near empty on the week ends. I suppose medical problems ease up on Friday evening to return on Monday morning. Government offices are staffed with those whose job it is to weed out those who do not qualify, and grant those who do. Simple deduction would be 'if they ain't giving, then no one needs it, and their job would be unnecessary'. That is a sad commentary and a cruel road for those who may actually need assistance, and for those who must pay for it. Americans have never required much of each other and of their government, but that must now change........ or we can quietly go the way of the Romans..............


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