Friday, June 16, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.... In a conversation with a friend this morning about Iraq he said he thought it was about time that we pack up and leave the Iraqi's to take care of their own security. He felt we had spent enough money and lost enough lives and that we owed them nothing else. I just have all kinds of thoughts about that attitude. Those who supported the invasion of Iraq numbered in the 90 plus percentile the day we landed in Saddam's country. They have dwindled away until they are in the 20 percentile and even those who still support the operation are changing their stance from 'it was the right thing to do' to 'if we walk away it was all for nothing and those Americans who died will be dishonored'. This entire debacle was doomed to failure from the moment of inception. The very few who disagreed with the invasion and said so were quickly put aside as gutless, not able to see the picture and sometimes dismissed as out of touch or a traitor. It became a national obsession to support the troops as they fought for us and our freedom in this war on the evil. I said bullshit at the time and as far as I'm concerned the odor still lingers. No American should have been sacrificed to save the honor of politicians guilty of such irresponsible and disrespectful behaviour and judgement as those we elected to run our country at the darkest hour of of our performance as a free and democratic republic. There is no war. To have a war you must have opposing forces. There is no unified opposing force in Iraq today. Even the State Department says the membership of Al-quaida worldwide is less than 20,000 and we don't know where they are. Instead we have a forced occupation going on and those who we pretend to protect are the very ones killing us from the shadows. Those in Iraq for whom we want to establish a democratic government have no desire for such a thing and only wish for us to go away. The problem for us to do that packs long range problems that are sure to continue festering until it explodes in a civil war which will continue eating away at passions within the world wide Muslim community until one day we will likely be plunged into a world war. If we stay, the result will be the same. We truly have ourselves in a mess. There is no good way to get out of Iraq nor can we stay. Either way the ramifications will last generations and be deady and heartbreaking. For this, we should be grateful to all our politicians, all of them led us to this day regardless of party. As far as us? We put them there and supported them as they done their deed..................


Blogger Derchoadus said...

Actually there were a few stand up politico's that did vote against the war (my Congresscritter was one of them). As a Veteran, this 'war' disgusts me. I'm kinda glad that at the age of 25 I decided not to have kids, it's a hell of an inheritance our government is giving out to the next generation.....

6:51 PM  

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