Sunday, June 04, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass....... As we get older I think the average person has a tendency to recall things in their past that formed who they became and try to compare how things were 'then' with how things are 'now'. We compare automobiles from our youth and remember them as much better than todays models, although today's will go several times over the miles they used to. Movies from the silver screen in memory were at least a million times better than those current, but those painted scenes behind Gene and Roy were dead give aways. Music was so innocent yet entertaining that we can't begin to understand whatever that is we hear today, but todays is more real for its time than the old ever was. Morals gets a big thumbs up in memory from all us old fossils, but we set the stage for what we've got today and the list goes on and on. As age insists on rampaging on for me I finally have come to the conclusion that hypocracy is what really affects each consecutive generation in it's judgement of the next. Americans have never been honest with each other or themselves and as each one is, the next one does, with growing excess. Perhaps a world cannot exist with honesty. We all know what that is and claim to hunger for it but promote its demise in our daily lives. Maybe all the old bastards like myself who feel as I do, and there are lots, couldn't actually survive and function in the kind of world we desire and should just go our way until we are no more, which of course is what nature will dictate. I grew up believing there was something wonderfully different and priviledged in being an American, and I still do, but I'm becoming more convinced everyday that we've always been hypocrites and will remain so, just as every country and society is and always has been. I'm certain that evolution of our species require those who mature and advance to take charge of the rest and lead the lessers on to better things. We done that in World Wars 1 and 2. While all the wars and skirmishes we've involved ourselves in since then have cost us in assets and lives, leading those who should be led hasn't been a part of what we've done. Instead on closer examination we have a troubling resemblance in behaviour and direction as those we defeated in the past. While our soldiers have not behaved as those from Japan who slashed the bellies of pregnant women open and stabbed the babies growing within and delivered them on the ends of bayonets to their commanding officers, it is very hard for me to appreciate the killings of mothers and their children in their beds in Iraq by our Marines. As we search for any grounds possible to excuse or explain away these kinds of actions by our soldiers and accept wrong for right we further strengthen this imperfection we know as hypocracy. While we stubbornly continue on in war that should never have been we participate in hypocracy. As we consider who will run this country we will invest in and guarantee a continuation of what will bring us down...... hypocracy........................


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