Saturday, June 10, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass..... Change and advancement is never without complication and that could not be more evident than health care today. Gone are the days when you could make a same day appointment or some times just drop in and wait your turn to see a Doctor. Now we must make the appointment several days in advance then go through a myriad of paperwork, go to the office at your appointed time then wait usually far beyond the agreed upon time only to be brushed off with a probable less than 5 minute time with the physician who will in all likelihood refer you to some other Doctor who will start the process all over again. All the while the numbers of nurses, technicians, and supporting staff are running in to each other and grouchy about being there in the first place and claiming to be overworked. If you're sick enough or injured, forget the Doctor's office and go on to the emergency room where we all know you're not wanted to begin with. If you are not a regular patient the paperwork required is mountainous to qualify you for payment to the Doctor and hospital from the insurance or HMO. If you do not have insurance of any kind you will most likely get service at the emergency room sooner but will also find yourself outside the exit door sooner, because you are of questionable value to the medical industry and they aren't interested in your problems with no insurance to guarantee their payment. Even odder is the cheering of the American people to bring in more Government presence to an industry that has already been wrecked by insurance companies and regulation. With all the wonderfulness we are told the medical profession can give us, we're sicker than ever and stacked up waiting to be insulted in greater numers by a greater number of members of the medical community who are in search of the cash cow patient who will willingly settle for less and less and run don't walk for an oppotunity to become totally dependant on a world of sickness, real, manufactured, or imagined. It really doesn't matter what the medical cause of their sorry lots in life is, if any, what is real is the tragedy they promote for themselves in concert with those who make their livelihood from their situations. How did we get this way? Do we actually live any longer because of it? Can it get any more inefficient or bloated and still continue? We got this way because we wanted it that way, no we don't live any longer, except in rare cases but sometimes a hell of a lot more uncomfortable in the end, and no it can't continue. It is more costly to the Average American than the Defence of our country........ and that's the way we like it.................


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