Sunday, October 26, 2008

It looks like we actually believe it.......

What a mess............ Never in my wildest imagination could I have conjoured up this election scenario.
No one knows how much either Barack or McCain are promising to spend, but both of them are promising the moon, cutting taxes and expanding services, and this is on top of an already multi-trillion dollar deficit. I just call it multi- trillion because no one knows how much it really is. It is inconcievable to me that no Americans seem to be wondering where this money is going to come from in the shadow of the tax cuts and the deficit. It is unbelievable to me that no Journalist is addressing the situation.
There is no sensible way to think of reasonable survival as a nation the way we are now. There is also no sensible way to foretell how we'll be 5 years from this day.
It is so far out of control that I'm beyond such speculation.
There's one thing that I do think I see coming, and that is simply, no matter who wins the Presidency, that person and all Americans will be in for the most trying times in our history. There will be those who will blame the one who wins for their inability to fix what hurts, and of course the rest will basically blame George Bush for our horrors.
Americans are terribly uninformed and have memories about as long as a flea's. Our troubles truly started with Franklin Roosevelt. He is absolutely responsible for setting the stage for the welfare state we now find ourselves in. There is absolutely No President since that's done even a little bit towards making us into an economically stable and long surviving Republic. The major contributers to our demise were Lyndon Johnson with his 'Great Society', Richard Nixon with his ineptness in dealing with the country's troubles, Gerald Ford for just being plain dumb and showing that importance does exempt the very important from the long end of the law when he pardoned Richard Nixon, when he should have at least stood trial, Jimmy Carter from being a damned woosie and loosing our respect around the world. Ronald Reagan was the best of the lot because he gave us a good example to go by and gave us hope while breaking the communist back in Mother Russia, then came George Bush Senior. He fought a war for the right reasons, set the objectives and achieved them, and got someone else to pay for it. But he promoted our love affair with China. Then came Bill Clinton, sure to go down one day as responsible for some devastating decisions that began our terrible slide to disaster, such as the laughable NAFTA and GATT treaties that silenced our factories, not to mention his dishonesty, then came the very worst of all, George Bush 43 and his list of debacles are so long there's no point in even starting. Whatever chance we have of recovery will be snuffed out by two choices for the job that are worse than him. Finally, our lack of giving a damn trumps it all. The only blanks to fill in is 'When it's done'...........


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