Monday, November 06, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.... I just came from WalMart on a buy a few things/gather some information trip, and came to the conclusion that it's silly for me to continue on in my personal dislike and boycott of that company. We are far, far too gone for my attempt at saving the country to matter any more or have any effect what so ever, so why bother. I'll take advantage of the cheaper prices and let the independant merchant go to hell, because his route is pre-determined anyway, no matter what I do. But there were important and meaningful observations made on my trip that are indicative of our landing spot when our free fall in our economic insanity hits bottom. It's all there in the marketplace of our lives, which is laid out in plain fashion on the floors of WalMart. The move to a more upscale and higher priced clothing line is simply an expansion of third world suppliers that they're charging more for, that cuts into China's standing as THE principle supplier to Walmart. Same quality clothing but one must note that the workers in Bangladesh work for even less than the Chinese as do most of the true third world countries that are now squeezing the Chinese out in WalMart, Even Wrangler and Levi's have found the foreign labor market and all their garments are proudly identified as being made by the starving Heathen across the planet, but their labels do say that U.S. material was used in their manufacture. But not to worry, China, you're still well represented in the households of every address in America. I checked on appliances, electrical gadgets and whatever else I had time to pick up and look for country of origin and found that recognizable brand names were on the same lists as the clothing..... all from China or a third world country. Those names included Hamilton Beach, Hoover, Bissell and continued on and on. In fact the only thing I found made in America was Mason Fruit Jars. We can feel good about most of our processed food, because the great majority of it is made within our shores. But we all know who works in our food processing plants don't we?? Of course!!!! The illegals!!! Whoopeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! That means we don't really have to work at all because there's no where to work!!!!!!!!!! Right???? That does raise a sobering question. where DO we work? Not many Manufacturers left. No, there isn't. When you consider all those employed directly for the government, Local, State, and Federal, then those contracted by and because of, those in the medical field which is about 80% supported by government funds, those in defense, those in construction funded by government money, those on Social Security, those on Disability, those on Welfare of one kind or another, regardless of descriptive name, those who work for WalMart, then there just ain't many left. Of those left, most of them are employed in the service industry pampering the rest of us in some way. Have mercy on us when a crises big enough to either blockade or shut off the shipping lanes in the seas. We have no factories to start up again, nor anyone to staff them. We gave all that away long ago, to never come back home. We'll have to learn the long forgotten art all over again of 'doing without'.......


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