Thursday, October 26, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass ........Realities are usually depressing. The disgust I have with the way our politics are and the direction we've been heading for so long has little chance for relief. There's a saying that goes "If you keep on doing what you've always done, then you'll always have what you've always got". I have hopes that one day before it's too late we'll be able to take a stand that's radical and independant and take our country back from the illness that has us in its grips. My idea of radical and independant isn't anarchy. Instead it's a power displayed at the polls like nothing we've experienced. A return to a far more simple way of doing things. A return to personal responsibility. A departure from the idea that government does everything for you. A ceasation of information gathering on the average citizen as a way of life without neccesity, and if information gathering is a neccesity, make sure it is of national importance and nothing to do with control of everyday life. I know my way of thinking is 'out there', but in my mind it is simply a return to a time when privacy was king and each individual took care of themselves and those close to them. It's a simple formula and does not include socialism and welfare. It worked very well once upon a time and would again. It once gave strength to carry us to victory in a time when competitiveness and brutality on the battlfield was unparalelled. We walked away from World War 2 with grace and dignity not to mention victory. Now we can't overcome a little piss ant country in which 97% of its people are unarmed and standing by as spectators while the other 3% make asses of us, and the majority of the planet will take comfort when we come home with our tails between our legs in defeat. There's a way to return to simpleness of life. It requires power at the polls like we've never displayed which of course is the first signal of failure. What the government and the media describes as a landslide election is nothing of the sort. The numbers that separate the numbers of the do's from the don'ts are always very close and certainly are not definable as a landslide by anybodys standards. A simple majority is what counts and the winner of a national election between Democrats and Republicans never has the benefit of runaway numbers. Popular votes for Democratic and Republican Presidential contenders are traditionally very close unless it's the second term run for a very popular sitting President, then the opposing party seems to settle old obligations and let a totally unelectable have a run at it, knowing they're going to get trounced. In my state the best any third party is doing currently is 6%. I'm smart enough to know there is no chance to unseat the powers that be, with all but a smattering of the remaining either Democrat or Republican and equally a stand-off in numbers. But I refuse to sanction Tweedledee OR Tweedledum. It's third party for me...............


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