Thursday, October 19, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass...... Drudge carried a report in which Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield said 'The American Military is too strong to lose a war'. I couldn't have had a better example of those running things being out of touch than that whopper of a statement. The man responsible for understanding the military's circumstances, needs, goals,and challenges has no clue about its situation. We've already lost the war in Iraq. There was no military to defeat by the time we got to Baghdad. That only left winning the hearts and minds of the people, of which we failed dismally, and in doing so we created a civilian uprising which we haven't even figured out a name for. Terrorists and insurgents are the most common used. For added drama Al-qaida gets thrown in there occasionally but we can only guess at who any of them are. What is known is that every time we stick our head out somebody is trying to blow it off with a roadside bomb, use it for target practice, or plant a rocket propelled grenade or some other nasty device in whatever we're riding in. The ones responsible for these attacks are nearly always unidentified and simply go their way and wait for the next opportunity to display how much they hate us. And it has nothing to do with how much we love freedom. It DOES have something to do with who we are, but only because we're there. We somehow cannot correlate the decimated landscape and the destruction of their economy and way of life, and the lack of everyday essentials such as water and electricity and sometimes food with a reason to hate us. At no time since we stepped across the border into Iraq has life been better for anyone there. But I certainly am glad to know from such a powerful person as The Secretary of Defense of The United States of America that our military is too strong to lose a war. What we have to do is find someone with a military force to engage so we can prove that to everybody. These amatuers we've been messin'with are just too frustrating................


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