Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass ...... They make it so hard for you to take anything seriously. For those who need time and reason to contemplate 'things', a person immersed into the Christian faith of God can actually come off as rude. They seldom have a working knowledge of the religion they are a part of and yet are attempting conversion of the hapless one in their sights. Instead they somehow are overcome at the wonderfulness of whatever they are experiencing and are oblivious to the factual nature of anothers problems in participating in their joy. It's not enough to be respectful of them and their beliefs, they will insist you take Jesus into your heart or be lost to the timeless never ending pits of hellfire. If you question much of anything, you most likely will be met with a glazed over sort of blank expression and a limp explanation of 'how real he is' or how God sent his only son to die for you and shouldn't that be enough? And maybe pity. Which really pisses me off. Then will come the declaration that they know it is real and more often than not some first person experiences they've had that convinced them to 'live for the Lord' and that they have found greater satisfaction in life as a born again than ever possible before they knew Jesus. It's not that I'm against God and eternal life. I'm for it very much. I'm just having lots of trouble figuring out if it's so, and how do you get hooked in to it. A misinformed or uninformed follower who is fired up in the moment is hardly the one to lead me on. Instead, the one who will reach me will be the one who can talk sense and fact and wind up someplace other than 'well, it's faith based and you gotta have faith'. That's when my meter says 'trip over' and I have to exit the ride. My Friends who love Jesus, by and large do not realize that the Jewish, Islamic, Catholic, and all sects of Christianity all worship the God of Abraham. In fact I know a couple of Protestant preachers who believe the Muslims worship a totally different God than the Christians. That confusion alone is enough to leave me dazed and incapable of understanding, not to mention completely unwilling to get involved with such a bunch railheads. There is one thing I do completely and totally believe and subscribe to, and that is the unique American right to practice ANY religion you may desire, or not to practice anything other than shooting hoops if that strikes your fancy. You should be able to do this with impunity and without the interference of those 'in the spirit'. And I think it's a right worth dying over. For those who might be confused by such a statement from me, I would suggest they have a look at all the cleric based Governments on the globe and see which one is the most attractive to live in. As for me...... I suppose I'll just drift along in my haze of wonder and confusion until a higher power, if there is such a thing, gives me a signal of some kind that I can interpret as a true signal from out of this world at which time I'll be right behind and occasionally in front of the other wild eyed door knockers trying to share my convictions with you and will no doubt be as mortified as they are when you don't join up with me in my crusade to convert the world to what will guarantee believers eternal life. Until then..... Vote third party and save us all for future debate.................


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