Thursday, April 06, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass........ Time and achievement has always been the benchmark to measure how we're doing and we're unable to find a medium to use as a constant reference in those two categories, consequently we're never sure whether life has been worth it or not. I'm always captivated by history and what it tells us about our progress. 12,000 years ago most of our diet was meat, much of the time raw. It took us 4,000 years before grains, fruits and vegetables would make up a credible portion of the food we ate. It took 4,000 more years for us to figure out a way to harness a water buffalo to pull a plow. Then we studied 2,000 more years before we could figure out a way to alter the same harness to fit a horse. A thousand years later the invading Mongols figured out how to equip their horses with stirrups and became the victors of their time simply because they could manuever their horses much better than their opponents and changed history. The last thousand years has been a struggle for survival accompanied by the same insecure and uncertain feeling that has crippled mankind all through history. The last hundred years has given us advances in every aspect of life. We've learned the basics of the wonders technology can grant us. We now know about a landslide in Turkey, an earthquake in Ethiopia or a flood in Japan almost as soon as it happens. We know which world leader says what as soon as it leaves their lips. We can leave wherever we may be and arrive on the other side of the earth in a matter of hours. The air we breath in our homes is heated to comfort in the winter and cooled to relaxation in the summer. The food we consume is healthier, cheaper. and more abundant than ever in history. We all still die, but throughout most of our lives we are generally protected from discomfort and pain by an unbelievably capable medical industry. Yet, when we look about us and listen to the news, it's apparent the happy ring has remained just out of our reach. I believe happiness is ours to have, but as a world wide state I think it may be a few more thousand years before we can enjoy what should be our greatest accomplisment, which of course is satisfaction within ourselves and with those around us. Now...... about that damned Couric and her new job. Who really cares. And who the hell really believes she's worth 15 million a year, which on a regular 40 hour a week job amounts to a little more than $7,500.00 an hour. I wonder how she'd do interviewing those marauding Mongels. And could she plow with a water buffalo? Why IS she worth so much money? I guess I'll have to keep on wondering about that. Just on the chance she's paid on a per viewer basis, I'm not going to watch her new damned show. She made me tired on the old one anyway................


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