Thursday, October 05, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass..... I really don't care to put thoughts down in a permanant way on current events and breaking news, leaving that to the bloggers who bird dog all the news wire services and wait for the utterances of the famous and powerful then have immediate opinions on what has happened or what was said, much of the time with accompanying plans to straighten out everything. Those kinds of writers bore me beyond repair. Having said that, I've watched the Amish in Pennsylvania dealing with the killing of their children in the little one room school house with admiration. What caused the sicko who done the deed to do it somehow seems to be unimportant to these people. Instead they seem to be focused on maintaining dignity and going on with life. Perhaps they are still acquainted with the art of living, which I think most of us no longer understand. To have peace in your heart I think you must have forgiveness, and one of the first things that happened was for a spokesman for the Amish families who lost children to murder that day, to show up at the door of the murderers family to bring forgiveness. That simple act has such great power and maturity that explanation evades common thought process. While an ambitious and inconsiderate news media stood by to wring every emotion real or imagined out of anyone remotely connected with the incident, then when that source was exhausted, brought on the predictable appearances of experts to tell us what we think and why we think it, followed by impressive knowledge about the Amish community and how it works. The simpleness of life gets lost in all this. It was a tragedy. It's done. It must be set aside so that life can continue. Those families touched by such a dreadful loss may never be the same, but they've indicated they will survive and continue. With no therapists. And where were the 'counselors' who show up like ambulance chasers to tell the wounded how to grieve? How will the television journalists and personalities feel when they show up on anniversaries of the tragedy in the future only to find there's no emotional scars to exploit and nothing further to say? Since the Amish who by definition of their beliefs have no television, the arrival of the media will only be bothersome to them. What a personality assassination for those who think they matter in everything. Ours cannot and will not ever be a perfect world, but we could take some lessons from a very simple people about simple and satisfying ways to deal with tragedy...........


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