Thursday, July 13, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.... Mans inhumanity to man has never taken a break, and the human race is no where near maturing to a level that we can expect respect for each other. Since the dawning of history our kind is noted by the wars we've waged against each other. I suppose we're destined to be as we are and little can be done to change it. Why is this? Hypocracy must surely be the most dangerous weakness we're afflicted with. It has long been know and noted, no one can imagine the misery and hopelessness of starvation as well as the ones starving, yet we pretend to understand. Likewise, no one can understand the sting of discrimination as surely as the one discriminated against. Yet we believe we know. The ones comfortable in their climate controlled homes watching the rain have no clue how it feels to huddle in a grass hut in a monsoon or crawl out of the rubble of a tin house after an earthquake, yet we think so. Experience and memory are not good teachers as demonstrated by the Israeli's. One would believe survival could be attained without the decimation of the weaker. Israel has forgotton the treatment they recieved such a short time ago and now believe it is their God given right to reduce all who oppose them including women and children to the level of stray dogs in their midst. The number of terroristic acts of Americans on Americans far outnumber the number of terroristic attacks on us by foreigners. Summarily it is the same world wide including the attack on the train in India. There is little doubt that the perpertrators of that act will include those from the homeland of India itself. Although America must bear most of the blame for the civil war going on in Iraq (yes, it is definitely a civil war), the fact remains most of the killing is Iraqi's killing Iraqi's, and is religion fueled, and we are impotent in controlling it. We humans are indeed strange creatures and defy understanding. The one who claims to understand is immediately recognisable as a fool who understands nothing. We are changeable. That is our only hope..............


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

9:54 AM  

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