Monday, September 10, 2007

The Human Thing

..... So what about this human thing? We are repressible in our outrageous behavior. Of all the creatures of the earth we are the only ones capable of dishonesty,,, and we do it well, and spread it through our lives evenly, it's always constant. We hide our weaknesses and our greed and our 'me' attitude behind everything imaginable and will certainly figure out a way to blame our shortcomings and behaviour on someone else or something else that causes our headlong lurch into disaster.
In life we will turn on those we have shared and trusted for a lifetime in a heartbeat and treat them with hatred and distrust as if suddenly all intent was to do harm. How silly. Some blame it on the human condition. Some blame it on the moon. The devil, kharma, the seasons, temperature, health, age, lack of age, the list is endless. Actually, it's either what we want or what we think we can have, and in order to get it we will justify any means to attain it. Of course we will expect God to accompany us on our journey and bless our activity and understand us and 'be there for us' and even forgive us all the while knowing the depths of meanness we sink to in pursuit is unforgivable. Our world is engaged in a holy war that will dwarf all other wars in history, meanwhile all sides think the other is crazy, and each believes God is on their side, even as we kill each other at random. At a closer glance, the animals make more sense.... even though they sometimes eat each other .....


Blogger Derchoadus said...

You forgot to say Amen....hehe.

1:08 PM  

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