Friday, March 03, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass.... When I was very young I fancied myself as a Democrat. Everybody knew there was a difference between them and the Republicans, and the Democrats looked out for the little guy . After the Viet-Nam war became something that haunted the concience of thinking people, a full dose of Lyndon Johnson, riots in the streets of Chicago during the Democratic Convention and a lingering suspicion that the great society would never be great because of the government, I began to think in a different way about things that were beginning to look a different way. I'm not sure exactly when I started admitting I was a Republican. Everyone knew there was a difference between them and the Democrats, and the Republicans weren't so bad about wasting taxpayer money on give aways to those who had no ambition. But after Nixon, Carter, Ford and Reagan I had trouble defining the basic difference between the two so I became a Conservative. Everyone knew there was a difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals. But after surviving Bush Senior, Clinton, and now Bush Junior, and a steady erosion of rights, economic stability, morals, respect and believability, and only two basic differences between Liberals and Conservatives ( Right to life and Right to bear arms), I've come to the conclusion that they're all just about alike, which leaves me only the option of being A Dumb Ass. After we so thoroughly bought into the Clinton fiasco only to turn around and be sucked in by the Bush debacle, Dumb Assism is the only thing left........ zzzzzzzzzzzzz


Blogger Bo said...

Hey Dave!! You're correct... I've run out of popular choices in political party. I'm too ignorant to be a socialist, the old bull moose party was about renegade republicans who quickly assassinated the moose after they won and went back to just being republicans so ya' can't trust them either. I love the premise of libertarianism, but all their candidates seem to be just getting out of jail or getting ready to go in and that's troublesome for continuity, so at this point I have no choice but to remain immersed in Dumb Assism for the time being.... Thanks for dropping in and come back soon..... Regards, Bo

5:04 PM  

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