Monday, August 07, 2006

Musings of a Dumb Ass

Musings of a Dumb Ass....In reviewing some 'Dumb Asses' one could think there's little about us that I like. Of course that would be incorrect. Having said that, I'm grateful that opinions, worries, and fears can be expressed openly without fear of retribution, unless you want to question the holocaust, in which case you'd better hit for higher ground because you could get your arse in hot water over that. I do think it's a healthy exercise in thinking to observe what is happening in your world, what's caused it, and how does it stack up with logic, and also the historical behaviour of whatever situation you're picking on and how that may have produced the current state of affairs. I also do not believe you can have a clue to the problem if you don't have the ability to look at it honestly and completely from the viewpoint of whomever is rebelling. Thus my problem with so many things we're doing worldwide. Our transparency is overwhelming to just about everyone but us. Our invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq were for all the wrong reasons and without correct information. I believed and said so before the invasions were done. Also, President Bush didn't gallantly step up and save face for his father's incomplete job in the Gulf war. On the contrary, his father said exactly what his objectives were, sold his program to the entire world, then executed it beautifully right down to the last move, and got somebody else to pay for most of it. I would call that an uncommon success. Our current President, on the other hand has brought failure and disgrace to us for unbelievable blunders that have bankrupted us, shamed us with most of the civilized world, and defied all we ever stood for in the engagement of war by attacking a country (Iraq) who had little ability and less desire to engage us and who had not aggressed us in any way, fundamentally changing our criterion in choosing whom we will war against and what transgressions are worthy of destructing entire countries over. Bad behaviour and irresponsible judgement always has a price tag. Our price is yet to be identified, but it shall be. This same transparency is up front and screaming in the Middle East right now. We are so foolish to believe that we can sell the rest of the world on the concept that Israel is acting independant of our authority in the war on Lebanon even though a simpleton could figure out very quickly that Israel is flying F-16's supplied by us, loaded with armament supplied by us and rolling scores of tanks over the landscape supplied by us shooting cannons supplied by us against an enemy with only portable missile launchers and writing cease fire agreements that have nothing for the other side and sure to be rejected, creating a timeline for Israel to continue their destruction of their neighbor all the while we're gesturing helplessly and saying 'Oh well'. It would do anyone well who is interested in that particular fracas to educate themselves to what actually has created it. And the starting point must be pre-1948 because that was when the ones presently behind barbed wire were living in the houses now occupied by Israel and were the masters of the real estate now occupied by Israel. No, I'm not anti-semetic, but assholes are assholes no matter how they try to disguise themselves......including us......................


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